FSL understands the importance of IT to make us more efficient, effective and ultimately provide a better service to our clients. From our tailor made Contact Management and Enquiry system to our OCR Scanning system, providing document storage and instant retrieval, we are always working to improve our fully integrated systems. IT is, therefore a key area of investment for us.
Real time data back-up to our remote hosting site in Milton Keynes underpins our Business Contingency Planning. This data is stored in a fireproof suite. In an emergency, FSL would relocate to our dedicated disaster recovery suite in Milton Keynes, where we would have instant access to all crucial data and information. Disruption to clients would be minimised. Of course, we aim to never have to use it, but having it in place underlines our commitment to clients.
FSL Aerospace Ltd.
Unit 33 Riverside Way
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Tel: +44 (0) 1895 817600
Fax: +44 (0) 1895 817601
Sales: sales@fslaerospace.co.uk